I began tweeting as BJC in March 2009 and set up a facebook profile later that same year. A blog seemed like a logical way to connect the two audiences and develop a deeper relationship with her friends and followers, so Bunny's Blog came into existence on December 31, 2009.
The blog really began to take shape after I attended the first BlogPaws conference in April 2010. BJC's focus has always been on helping animal charities through PawPawty and other online events, but BlogPaws helped me see how I could use blogging to promote animal-related causes.
Since then, I've become more involved with the online pet community. I've met many wonderful people who are working to make a difference, and I am happy to assist in whatever way I can. If there is an individual, organization or animal-related cause that you would like to have highlighted in Bunny's Blog, please contact me at bunnyjcook@gmail.com.