Saturday, March 6, 2010

Mattie Dog

today's spechul twitter pal iz mattie dog, a friendly little shih tzu who shares hiz life stories on hiz bloggy. i luvs mattie's bloggy cuz it tells da most wunderful stories bout da people in hiz life and how he helps dem to understand dat when dey let go and just be present in da moment dey will experience peace and harmony. u can follow mattie on twitter or on facebook.


  1. Awww, U bwing a widdle tear to my mommas eyes! UR so kind & thoughtful for mentioning me. Thank U for ur generous spirit - life is a circle, and I am so grateful 2 has U as my pal!

    With love - Mattiedog

  2. It was so nice of you to honor Mattie BJ because he has a really big heart and does so many wonderful things to make the world a better place.
