Friday, June 4, 2010

BlogPaws West

one of da fings i luvs about twitter iz da willingness of mai furends to introduce each ofur to really cool peeps. one of mai oldest twitter furends iz @Romeothecat and hiz mom Caroline. when Caroline asked mai mom to sit on da planning committee fur BlogPaws 2010, she introduced her to da ofur BlogPaws founders - Yvonne DiVita and Tom Collins. BlogPaws 2010, da first conference fur pet bloggers, wuz held in Columbus OH in April, and believes or not, dey iz already planning da next conference BlogPaws West to be held in Denver CO in September! mom iz really excited about da opportunity to see her pals again, and hopes dat u will be able to join dem. u can follow BlogPaws on twitter, facebook and der bloggy fur all da latest information on BlogPaws West.


  1. How very exciting it must have been for your mama to meet all those wonderful people. Romeo - especially. He's famous. They even did a write-up on him bout a year ago - imagine dat - in little ole Green Bay. I clipped it out and sent it off to him in the mail. Was great article & his mama does good work - as do you.

  2. How cool!! We bet it'll be super fun! We need a blog paws NZ.

  3. Oh my! BlogPaws west is gonna be right near me. Mom just has to go.

  4. Aw I wish I could go. We would love to see you. I hope you have a great time!
