Sunday, December 30, 2012

Pets Can Get Winter Blues Too

Via PRWeb – “If your healthy dog or cat becomes lethargic or loses interest in everyday activities, they may be suffering from a simple lack of stimulation,” said Mary Lee Nitschke, an animal behaviorist whose research focuses on the animal-human bond. “Other signs to look for include a decrease in appetite.”

When a pet is down in the dumps or under-exercised it can lead to physical problems, said the Linfield College professor.

“Give pets extra light during the winter months,” Nitschke said. “Light is intimately tied to the functioning of the pituitary and endocrine glands, and can stimulate the body to release hormones that have an uplifting effect on mood. Just a half hour a day on a sunny back porch or window perch may do the trick.

 “And getting out and walking your lonesome dog is good therapy for both of you,” said Nitschke, who helped found the Association of Pet Dog Trainers and provides national consultation on animal behavior and training programs. “Even a walk around the block releases endorphins, the feel-good chemicals in the brain.

“Pets may need extra playtime activities with you to get going again,” she said. “People do better when they have the support of friends, and the same is true for dogs. Give your pet extra time and teach her some new ways to engage with you.

“It’s good to give pets something interesting to think about, ” said Nitschke. “Owners can hide treats throughout the house and then sit back and watch as their dog’s nose goes to work, or they can dangle feathers or fishing pole-style toys in front of cats.”

Positive training can also be a wonderful intervention, according to Nitschke. “It heightens healthy emotions and helps owners and dogs learn each other’s communication patterns.”

And just as owners benefit from vacations in the winter, pets can benefit as well.

“Engage in activities that provide novel experiences,” Nitschke said. “The combination of new sights and smells will help lift your pet’s spirits.”

“There are numerous ‘pet camp’ programs available in the dog community,” she said. “Check out the possibilities.”

1 comment:

  1. My dog and cats must just be the happiest pets ever because I cannot get them to sit still and relax to save the world! They are always energetic and happy, which is good, but sometimes, I wouldn't mind if they relaxed with me by one of the wood burning stoves and cuddled. Don't get me wrong, they do cuddle, but it doesn't last long. I shouldn't complain, though. They are happy, which is what is important.
