Bloggers, write about a cause near and dear to your heart. Readers, please leave comments and share your favorite posts.
Here’s how you can help:
1.) Grab the badge. Paste the code from BtC4animals.com’s sidebar to your blog’s sidebar. This lets folks know you’re taking part and how they can too.
2.) Tell others! Post this on Facebook and Twitter:
July 15: BE, BLOG AND READ THE CHANGE FOR ANIMALS – Get the badge & spread the word! http://btc4animals.com/blog-the-change #BtC4A
3.) Post your blog entry on the 15th. Write about your favorite volunteer, rescue group, shelter or other cause. Need more ideas? Revisit previous posts on BtC4animals.com.
4.) Add your link on BtC4animals.com. On July 15 at 12:01 a.m. EST, a link list will appear on the Blog the Change page. Add your blog’s name and post URL – not your main domain – so others can find and support your cause.
5.) Share the good will. Read listings throughout the day and offer help or encouragement where you can. Share your favorite posts on your social networks (Twitter hashtag #BtC4A).
Extra credit: Click “Get the Code” at the end of the list and paste it at the bottom of your blog post. While not required, this places the list on your site too, generating traffic to and from your page for the sake of the animals your post supports.
Join Team BtC on Monday, July 15 to Blog the Change for animals!
Been working on my post...see you Monday!