one of da fings i likes about mai anipals iz dat we help to keep each ofur informed about what happening. so when i saw da hashtag #woof4aroof, i got curious and went to see what it wuz about. turns out it iz a twitter campaign organized by Bailey Shepard to help raise money fur da Humane Society of Durham Region. A fire swept through da shelter in December 2008, taking da lives of more den 100 anipals. in its wake, doze who cared for and loved da anipals inside were heartbroken.
u can help increase awareness of da campaign by following Bailey and using da #woof4aroof hashtag. u can also join da Raise the Roof group on facebook. help to spread da word about dis important campaign to give da anipals a new home!
I saw the shibbering cheebos tweeting about this and wondered what it was...