anofur reely cool peep dat mom met at BlogPaws wuz Dr. V frum @Pawcurious. she sat on da Be Da Change panel wif @YourDailyCute, @Frugaldougal, and @Petfinder. Dr V. told dem bout how she did a 24 hour blogathon and even ate dog food to raise money fur da San Diego SPCA. anofur fundraiser she did wuz selling 45 different items on ebay to raise funds fur da American Red Cross to help da peeps in Haiti. one fing u gotta say bout Dr. V - she's up fur just about anyfing! mom finks dat she iz a great inspiration to ofur peeps to show dat dey can make a difference too. u can follow Dr. V at Pawcurious on twitter, facebook and her bloggy.
We always meet the nicest oomans thru your bloggy BJ.